

Chaque jour, Marchon Eyewear s'efforce de faire la différence pour toutes ses partenaires. 


Il nous tient à coeur aussi bien de fournir le meilleur service et la meilleure qualité à nos clients et aux professionnels des soins oculaires, mais aussi à être le meilleur partenaire pour nos concédants et fournisseurs, et l'un des meilleurs employeurs pour nos salariés. 



Marchon Eyewear est fier de soutenir VSP Eyes of Hope, une plateforme caritative internationale entièrement financée par les sociétés de VSP Global. En partenariat avec des ophtalmologistes, Eyes of Hope soutient des communautés locales à travers le monde avec des initiatives visant à faciliter l'accès aux soins de la vue, aux lunettes et à l'aide humanitaire là où ces services sont cruciaux. À ce jour, plus de 2 millions d'adultes et d'enfants dans le besoin ont bénéficié des initiatives d'Eyes of Hope.


Corporate Sponsored Charities

  • Keep America Beautiful (KAB) The nation’s leading community improvement nonprofit organization, inspires and educates people to take action every day to improve and beautify their community environment. Altair is proud to support and partner with KAB. 
  • Plastic Bank A social enterprise that empowers Ocean Stewards to stop ocean plastic. Marchon’s proprietary brand, Dragon has implemented a plastic offset impact program, where each pair of Dragon optical frames, sunglasses, and snow goggles sold will prevent the equivalent of 10 plastic bottles from entering the ocean.
  • Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund (JDRF) A non-profit organization that leads the fight against type 1 diabetes (T1D) by funding research, advocating for policies that accelerate access to new therapies, and provide a support network for millions of people around the world impacted by T1D. Marchon supports JDRF through various donations and events each year.
  • Guide Dog Foundation Founded in 1946, the GUIDE DOG FOUNDATION began with one mission: to provide dogs and training – free of charge – to people who are blind or visually impaired. Marchon is proud to support and partner with the Guide Dog Foundation.

Volunteer Opportunities for Team Members

VSP Vision empowers Marchon employees to become involved in community volunteer work by offering two paid workdays each calendar year to volunteer with local non-profits.


Our Vendor Code of Conduct

At Marchon Eyewear, we are committed to:

    • A standard of excellence in every aspect of our business and in every corner of the world
    • Ethical and responsible conduct in all of our operations
    • Respect for the rights of all individuals
    • Respect for the environment

We expect these same commitments to be shared by all manufacturers of Marchon Merchandise. At a minimum, we require that all manufacturers of Marchon merchandise meet our Code of Conduct.

Our Auditing of Vendors

Marchon Eyewear vendors are required to be audited at least once per year to ensure that its labor practices, and health, safety, and environmental aspects meet acceptable standards.

© 2025 Marchon Eyewear, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | POLITIQUE DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ
© 2025 Marchon Eyewear, Inc. All Rights Reserved. | POLITIQUE DE CONFIDENTIALITÉ